Thursday, April 17, 2014

Blog Post #13

This week in EDM310, we had the opportunity to create our own blog post based on our future area of teaching. Although I am required to teach all subjects for an Elementary Education major, my strongest field is English.

Directions For Blog Post #1: Think about a person who has been very influential in your life. This person can be a family member, professor, youth pastor, actor etc. Explain how this person has been influential in your life. Make sure to include a picture of the influential person. My example of my post can be found below and on my blog.

Everyone has had someone that has been influential in his or her life, which it can be a parent, sibling or even a teacher. The most influential person in my life is my mother, Mrs. Carroll Johnson. About three years ago, I thought I was going to lose my mother because she had a severe heart attack. Although my mother knew she was not in good health, she did not let that hold her down. She still attended my extracurricular activities events and would help me with homework every night. I thank God everyday for blessing me with a wonderful mother. I would not trade her for nothing in the world. Carroll Johnson


  1. What a great blog post! I think the idea of creating a blog entry for an influential person is fantastic. I think this would get the students really excited about the blog. Another thing you can add to it would be an interview with the most influential person in your life. Ask them funny or interesting questions and put the interview on the blog!

  2. I enjoyed your blog post. Your blog post about an influential person in your life was a good choice.
