Saturday, March 29, 2014

Blog Post #10

Everyone has their very own special talents, whether its teaching, writing or acting. For instance, I have a talent for communicating well with elementary students, which is one of the reasons why I want to become a teacher. On this week, I had the opportunity to view an inspiring video of Ken Robinson Mr. Robinson is an author and speaker from Liverpool, United Kingdom. In his speech, he explains how there are some people who goes to work everyday and do not enjoy what they do. This should not be the case. We must do something that we really have a passion for in order to enjoy life on a daily basis. So, Mr. Robinson states that we must begin learning revolution, which means that we must change our way of thinking and behaving in order to explore our true talents. What I learned from Mr. Robinsion is that we should not settle for less in life and that if we really have a passion for something that we must go after it. I know as a future teacher, my students will be looking up to me, which my passion of teaching will encourage them to go after their various dreams. Ken Robinson


  1. Hi Janelle,
    It is true that we must have a passion for the career choice that we choose. Having a job and not being happy doing that job is stressful. People should enjoy going, and being at work. Great Job!

  2. Janelle,

    You are absolutely correct when you say that your students will be looking up to you and because of this, we, as teachers need to make sure we love coming to work each day and show it in the classroom. This means enjoying our students and what we have to teach them. This means learning as much as we can about our subject and our students so we can make clear connections. I believe Sir Ken Robinson wanted us to know, be inspired, and inspire our students to make a change in this world. We need to be the first to make the change so we can have a better world in the future. This change begins with you, the teacher.
